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💗 My Program is a unique combination of Fitness, Well-being, Mindset and Mentoring

💗 I am a qualified Shine From Within Youth Mentor. As well as group mentoring I had some 1:1 Mentoring sessions with some of the girls in the last program. Here’s what one of the Mums had to say...

“Marley really loved her 1:1 session with Michelle. She gained so much insight into setting and achieving goals. And came out with so much positivity towards all aspects in her life and really enjoyed the 1:1 time and guidance from Michelle. Marley is so lucky we found Michelle and her amazing Girl Squad program. We are only 3 weeks in and Marley has gained so much knowledge and confidence and has so much fun doing it.”

💗 I am also a Making Meditation Mainstream Facilitator and volunteer my time to run free community beach meditations as well as online.

💗 I have such incredible support from these two communities enabling me to bring more depth to my programs

💗 I am currently studying NLP (neuro linguistic programming)...if teaching mindset you must understand the mind

💗 I have big plans for my beloved Girl Squad program and know that I can positively impact so many girls



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