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Be Bold, Be Brave, Be You!
Practical Life Skills for Teen Girls
Looking for a transformative journey that empowers your teen daughter to shine bright and embrace her full potential? Look no further! Girl Squad presents "LimitlessHER," an inspiring program designed to nurture confidence, foster positive friendships, and ignite passions!

Classes held: Platinum Gym Erina


"A lot of Mums I talk to worry about the well-being of their daughters growing up in today's world"

My Girl Squad program empowers girls with the tools to thrive in life. As a result girls are happier & healthier, are more confident, live with passion and purpose and have better communication and friendships / relationships.

What's included...

8 x face to face Girl Squad Classes

1 x online zoom masterclass "Peer Power: Navigating Friendships, Crushes & Smart Choices"



1 x Stand up paddleboarding, kayaking, paddleboat day

1 x discounted ticket for Mum's event with the GS consulting psychologist

"From Tweens to Teens & Everything in Between"

Check out our classes in action!

Our classes are fun, interactive & different every week!

Practical Life Skills for Teen Girls!

Our girls continue to face challenges day in and day out. Whether it's the external environment, the school playground or their own internal chatter.


The Girl Squad Program has 3 main pillars: Strength, Self Belief & The Sisterhood and these concepts are delivered through the 3 components of each class: Movement, Mindset & Meditation.


"Inspired Girls Inspire Girls"



LimitlessHER Dreams

LimitlessHER Self Belief

LimitlessHER Confidence

LimitlessHER Courage

LimitlessHER Voice

LimitlessHER Friendships

LimitlessHER Knowledge

LimitlessHER Faith


Hear What Others Have to Say


I’ve been at girl squad since the very start so around 3-4 years. I’ve learnt to be courageous and brave and to love myself just the way I am. I think the best thing about this program is how many great friends I made and how my confidence has gone completely through the roof, I’ve met two of my now current best friends who have changed my life immensely. The one thing I was able to overcome was to not be scared about being me, I was always so self conscious about how people saw me but now I don’t care and I’m able to be me without being embarrassed. I would absolutely recommend this program to other girls because it is just so uplifting and an amazing place to make friends, feel more confident, and push your limit and become the best version of yourself. Mish is a ray of sunshine and runs the program absolutely perfectly. She is so cooperative and uplifting and really pushes you to be your best self. She helped me majorly to see that I am perfect the way I am.



Mish and her Girl Squad program have been a major part of my life for the past 3 years. Her program has taught me how to be more comfortable with myself and accepting the challenges that life throws at us without becoming overwhelmed and normalising the experiences us girls go through. I have made some lifelong friends through this program who share my values and outlook on life as all girls are there for the same reason and are able to bond within the welcoming environment. Her classes are always organised and well thought through to cater for everyone in the group, ensuring that we are all able to make the most of her program. This program and Mish truly are amazing and I cannot thank her enough for the experiences and lessons she has given us.


Also included a free 2 week trial at Platinum Gym Erina for the Mums or Dads as part of the sign up fee

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